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This area is very nice for all, including the tourist. Its found in northwest area of Havana City province. Have 14 km of beaches, with a white and clean sands, similar than Varadero but no so fine.

Eastern Beaches are conform by : Bacuranao, with independently access, after Tarara (with Tarara Marina), Megano, Santa MarIa, Boca Ciega, Guanabo and Brisas del Mar beaches, in this order. Its own an enviable sight of Via Blanca. In Loma de Santa Maria you can find beatiful houses wiht modern architecture. This area is 25 minutes drive to Old Havana, 20 minutes from Jibacoa beach, 1 hour from Varadero.

Dar Clic para ver Detalles de Playas del EsteIn Santa Maria beach you canfind the famous Tropicoco hotel, wich one is very visited by tourists and vacationist that enjoy the beachand the instalations in this area. This area of beach have a beatiful sand. As beach is better than Guanabo beach.


Guanabo beach have some areas with stones, and the water in not as clean as Megano, Santa Maria and Boca Ciega.

The price of rooms in this area varies between 30-40 pesos convertibles (CUC)/day.


See the Map of Eastern Beaches (Playas del Este) See the Map of Eastern Beaches (Playas del Este)


What you do not want to miss...in La Havana!


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