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LA SIERRA Neighborhood (Reparto) INFORMATION (PLAYA Municipality)

This area is limited by Almendares, Miramar and Kohly repartos. Here are located luxury houses and residences, many buid in 1950-60. In this area is possible to find residence with swimming pool but no so frequently as in Miramar.

Located in 8 minutes drive of the center of Vedado 13 to 18 minutes drives of Centro Habana and Habana Vieja respectively in a normal car. Some of the distraction places in this area are : The Music House (Casa de la Musica) of Playa, the Touristy Complex Dos Gardenias, and others. The price of rooms in this area varies between 30-45 pesos convertibles/day.



The "Music House" (Casa de la Música) of Playa

Informaciones y Vistas de La Casa de la Música de Playa

"Dos Gardenias" Touristy Complex

Dos Gardenias. Dar Clic para Ver Detalles


See the Map with the most important neigborhoods of Playa Municipality See the Map with the most important neigborhoods of Playa Municipality

What you do not want to miss...in La Havana!

LA SIERRA NEIGHBORHOOD (Reparto). Private Houses for Rent

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