(IN GRANMA PROVINCE) | Private Houses | Hotel | Places |


Granma province, located in the southeastern part of the country, offers a turistical relevance based on a lavish nature, the combination of the mountains and the sea and a very important historical tradition.

La Granma Province has the following Municipalities :

Bayamo, Campechuela, Guisa, Media Luna, Niquero, Manzanillo, Jiguaní, Cauto Cristo, Bartolomé Masó, Buey Arriba, Yara and Río Cauto.

Bayamo, capital of the province, one of the first villages funded in the XVI century, was burned by his settler in 1869 before the spanish conquers invaded the city. There was born the National Hymn and it was one of the first provinces, that made a contribution to our cuban culture.

In 1608, the cuban Bishop, Fray Juan de las Cabezas Altamirano was kipnaped in Bayamo by the french pirate Gilberto Girón, who demanded a high payment. The citizens of Bayamo didn´t accept it, on the contrary, they attacked, rescued him and killed the pirate. This fact was the inspiration of the first poem written in Cuba: "Espejo de Paciencia".

On december of 1956 landed the yatch Granma in Las Coloradas beach. It was the end phase of the fight against Batista, that ended with the victory of the Cuban Revolution in 1959. In the mountain of the province, where are joined our traditions and the nature, we can find the 40 percentage of the country history.

The province contains the very big flatness of Cauto river -the biggest of Cuba- and the mountain group of Sierra Maestra, where is distinguished the Pico Turquino, the highest mountain (1974 meters). In the green territory are mixed the warm weather of the low zone and the cold temperature of the montains, with the exuberant vegetation and abundant springs, and stand out the hunting area of Viramas and the singular beach with black sands Marea del Portillo There visitors can use the swimming and snorkeling center Albacora, where are offered Initiation Curses, immersions in coral reef or in spanish ships sank of the fleet of the Admiral Cervera. The nautical activities in Marea del Portillo includes also travels in nautical motors, travel in catamaran and bicycle, and other forms.

In the southwestern extrem of this territory there are El faro de Cabo Cruz and El Guafe, where the existence of aboriginal vestiges and sites of archeological interest increase the tourist attractive of the eastern side of the country.

Ampliar la FotoSon famosos los Paseos en Coche por la Ciudad de Bayamo, y esto sirvió de inspiración a una canción de igual nombre.







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