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LA CEIBA Neighborhood (Reparto) INFORMATION (PLAYA Municipality)

This area is limited by Buenavista, Almendares and La Sierra repartos and Marianao municipality. Here are located beautiful houses.

In 8 minutes drive of the center of Vedado 13 to 18 minutes drives of Centro Habana and Habana Vieja respectively in one normal car. Has good access by car or buses because is bordered by one important avenue (41 Avenue). Place of recreation in this area is the Cabaret Tropicana, internationally famous. The price of rooms in this area varies between 30-35 pesos convertibles/day.



Información y Vistas del Cabaret Tropicana










In this neighbornhood we can find the famous touristy complex knowed internationally. This complex has 1 restaurant and 2 cabarets : The Cabaret "Bajo las Estrellas (Under the Stars)", in this place is possible to see the sky, enjoy nice shows, to see nices dancer girls and scenary; and the Cabaret "Arco de Cristal" side by side. this neighbornhood we can find the famous touristy complex knowed internationally. This complex has 1 restaurant and 2 cabarets : The Cabaret "Bajo las Estrellas (Under the Stars)", in this place is possible to see the sky, enjoy nice shows, to see nices dancer girls and scenary; and the Cabaret "Arco de Cristal" side by side.

See the Map with the most important neigborhoods of Playa Municipality See the Map with the most important neigborhoods of Playa Municipality

What you do not want to miss...in La Havana!

LA CEIBA NEIGHBORHOOD (Reparto). Private Houses for Rent

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