(IN CIEGO DE AVILA PROVINCE) | Private Houses | Hotel | Places | Map |


This province has a flat relief: The highest area in not more than 50 meters high. Few rivers flow through this flatness, but this area has underground water that allows the irrigation for a prosper agriculture. Besides of the sugan cane, this province has the biggest pineapple fields of the country.

The history of this region is very rich in facts and interesting places. From the old aborigens it conserves numerous archaeological places that show their high cultural development, and there are the fortified towers of the second half of the XIX century that divided the cuban island in two part during the Independence War. The higger attractive of the province is in the different keys and islands that we can find in the north and the south of the province, and these places are very interesting places for tourists. The most famous are Cayo Coco and Cayo Guillermo,where you can find very important touristy centre.

Ciego de Avila Province has the following Municipalities :Ciego de Avila, Venezuela, Ciro Redondo, Majagua, Baraguá, Bolivia, 1ero. de Enero, Chambas, Moron, Florencia and the Cayos

Ciego de Avila City is the provincial capital.

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