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Ver Mapas e Informacion de Provincias y Ciudades de Cubanas ARTEMISA PROVINCE. INFORMATION - English Language PROVINCIA ARTEMISA. INFORMAZIONI - Lingua Italiana PROVINZ ARTEMISA. INFORMATION - Deutsch Sprache

(IN ARTEMISA PROVINZ) | Private Häuser | Orten | Landkarte |


The new Artemisa Province was aproved by Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular,and will began in January 2011, Is conformed by 3 Municipalities of the last Pinar del Rio Province (than will keep the name and reduce of areay 8 Municipalities of the last Provincia de la Habana. Has an area of 4,004.27 km2 y an a population (in 2010) of 502,392 habitants. Es una provincia eminentemente agrícola y tiene un área agricola de 272,849 hectáreas; o sea; el 68,1 % de la superficie del territorio.

Artemisa Province is conformed by Municipalities :

Candelaria, Bahía Honda and San Cristobal of the last Pinar del Río Province

Artemisa, Mariel, Güanajay, Alquizar, Caimito, Bauta, San Antonio de los Baños and Güira de Melena of the last Provincia Habana.

The most important city is Artemisa, the provintial capital.

In this province, at Western Habana, in the North Coast, You can find the beaches Baracoa and El Salado. These are beaches with a lower category than the Eastern Beaches, but Baracoa beach is nearer than Eastern beaches (taking as reference Playa municipality).

The cattle breeding is really developed in this province. There are big collective farms (granjas) as : El Valle de Picadura, Los Naranjos and Niña Bonita.

In San Antonio de los Baños town is celebrated every two years the Humour Biennial (Bienal del Humor) in memory of Marcos Behemaras (humorist of Havana). These are days of funny stories, caricatures and songs.

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ARTEMISA PROVINZ. Private Häuser zu vermieten
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