TravelCubaSite-Private Houses and Hotel for rent in Cuba-Information, Maps, Offerings, Classes,...
Quadrant 1B. Part of Municipality PLAYA (Santa Fe, Jaimanitas, Flores, Siboney, Atabey, Cubanacan and Reparto Náutico)
Centro Comercial Palco Restaurantes La Ferminia y La Vicaria Restaurant "El Palenque" Feria de Exposiciones PABEXPO Restaurant "El Pedregal" Palacio de las Convenciones y Hotel Palco Club Habana Mercado Flores Informaciones y Casas en Rpto. Jaimanitas Hotel El Viejo y el Mar Cubacar Residencial Turístico Marina Hemingway Hotel Acuario Centro de Buceo La Aguja Cabaret Marina, Papa´s restauran Bar Villa Paraiso Restaurante El Laurel Information of Reparto Cubanacan Informaciones y Casas en Rpto. Santa Fé Information and Private Houses of Reparto Jaimanitas Municipio La Lisa Information and Private Houses of Reparto Flores Information and Private Houses of Reparto Nautico Information and Private Houses of Reparto Siboney Information and Private Houses of Reparto Atabey

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Author : Ing. Jorge Llerena Rodríguez. LlerySoft
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