- What does we offer ?
- Packages take several days (usually 3 to 5) and include transfers and excursions with guide service.
- The Excursions take 4-7 hours and include guide service.
- In the PROGRAMS ACCORDING TO YOUR INTEREST, you can choose not only the places and hotels, but also how many days you want to be there. If you want, we can make suggestions depending on your available time and personal interest.
At the end of each possibility, there is the option to make your reservation.
- What INFO about Chile does this site provide ?
- Iddle of the Home Page (highlighted in red) or the bottom of that page, you may ask to see a general or specific information about Chile, grouped in Guide of Chile, Travel Guide to Chile and Touristic and Historical Chile. The last one provides information and places you should not miss in the requested area, city, or neighborhood. By displaying this information, you may see Maps, Important Places (with information and pictures) and Hotels around the area you are viewing. In other words, there are three types of basic information that is provided in each place: Information (Touristic and Historic), Maps (of that area), locations (major) and hotels to book, which can be selected by clicking on the right top of this page.
Also you can see the important places in Chile, clicking right on the button PLACES displayed on the header area of each page. This option shows all places located on the selected area.
Inside the home page of Chile, in its central column, you can see the places by function (Where to eat? , Where to go?, Related to money, among others, or places by its type (Restaurants, Churches, ...)
- What do we offer for accommodation ?
- We provide all the information for you to choose your best option (including general information of the hotels, pictures and a list of prices for room types and times of the year, and if you want, we offer a Price List of all hotels, where you can compare and select values that suits you.
- I need pasaport to travel to Chile ?
- Yes, no matter what your nationality is.
- We need visa ?
- It´s depend of the country
- Do I have to pay a tax to leave Chile?
- What is the current money in Chile ?
- What are the transportation options ?
- -Metro
Subway stations are distributed in 5 lines that run across the city from East to West and North to South, with 92 stations covering 84,4kms. It costs 500-580 pesos depending on the rush hour. You can buy the ticket for each trip at the proper station.
It is not recommendable for tourist because it is paid by a recheargeable electronic card system called “tarjeta bip”. You can recharge the card only at any subway station or at SERVIPAG cashiers.
They are painted black with a yellow roof and you can find them 24/7. They all have a taximeter and you should pay only what is indicated on screen.
- Is Chile safe ?
- Chile is one of the safest countries in South America, however you should be careful not to wear jewelry or any valuable object that can make you something attractive to crime.
- Can I drink tap water ?
- It is no recommendable because your stomach may not be ready.
- How may I to find a Particular House or appartment in this Web Site ?
- You have diferent forms of select the desire house :
1) In the right part of the Principal Page we show the Best Houses (5 houses) that you should to have in consideration in your selection; this houses shown economical and luxury houses, in residencial reparto or in beach, with different quantity of rooms.
2) You can use the option to find easily the house that you need selecting the province or zona and the condicions that you need (for example, if you want swimingpool, how many rooms, and others). In this option we show the conditions and photos, and we permit the prereservation of the house or appartment that you like.
3) In the left part of the Principal Page you have the possibility of Show all the Particular Houses (Directory in all Cuba), selecting if you want all the conditions in similar form at 2).
- How We can use the Critery of Order ?
- This is the possibility of order in the form that you want the results of one search (of houses, photos or places) ever in alphabetic and ascendent form. For this You should stablih 3 Critery : The Main Criteria is wich one you will sort the results. The implicit criteria (by City or Zone) stablishment that all the houses of the first area will show, after will show the houses of the next area (by alphabetic order), and successively. The Critery 2 permit sort all the houses in the first area by this criteria, the implicit value (by House code) define that the houses will order in alphabetic and ascendent order by the House Code. You can change the implicit value and order, for example by number of rooms, in this case inside the first area you will order at the begining the houses with 1 room, after 2 rooms and sucesively. And continue in se same form for each zone. The Last Criteria permit order inside of each group obtain by Criteria 2. For example if we select the Criteria 2 the Number of rooms and Criteria 3 the House code, all the houses 1 room will be sort by House code in order alphabetic ascendent, after the houses of 2 rooms sort by House code in order alphabetic ascendent and sucesively.
- Must I to share lodging areas with other tourists ?
- In some cases the owner that rent more than one room and the bathroom is independently, they can rent the empty room to other persons. If it is a problem for You, you must said us for coordinate with the owner about that.
- I can't find the place that I like, what I will do ?
- If you can't find the lodging that you need in our directory, fill the General Formular of Reservations or simply Contact Us sending the condition that You need in your lodging. We have
contacts with similar lodging that will serve you.
- How I will do the reservation ?
- Is possible to reserve in 3 different form :
1. Select the house or appartment that you need, and select "To Reserve".
2. Clicking on Reservation and sending Us the House conditions that you need, rapidly we will send you Via E-Mail our propositions.
3. Clicking on Reservation Tour and sending Us the cities that you like to visit, writing or no the Particular Houses that you like to rent, if you don't sent the houses we will send you Via E-Mail our propositions.
- How I will receive the confirmation of my reservation?
- The confirmation will send You Via Email. Inmediately that We confirm your prereservation with the House owner, we will send You the Email with the confirmation including the address house.
- Why the prices of the rooms are hights in Cuba ?
- The houses owners that rent in a legal form her houses, must pay taxes monthly at the Cuban Goverment. The taxes are hight and they must pay independently if the house is rented or no.
The taxes are between 150 pesos convertibles
montly for each room for ret, with tourist or no. Aditionaly they must pay the common areas with the tourist. At the end of the year, the must pay un procent (from 10 to 15 %) of the ganancy obtained.
Each owner must fill a Guest Book,
where they must put the name and surname, the birthday, nacionality and passport number of the guest and the accompanist, the period of rent and the accorded price.
The houses prices are similar more or less in similar houses of the same area. However, the house prices, are more economical than the hotels.
- Should I pay for the TRAVELCUBASITE.COM reservation ?
- No, You don't need to pay aditionaly for our reservation, moreover, when can give you special discount from 10 to 20% of the price for reservations of more than one month.
- Should I pay for my welcome in the airport ?
- In the cases that You want (for a period of 7 days or superior) we can to meet You at the airport, however You must pay the taxi from airport to house reserved. In other case we will send You via email tha address of the house reserved and you must go alone to the house. The owner of the house will wait for you for show the house and explain to you all about the rent, and he will give you the keys of the house.
Normally el taxi price (for normal taxi) is around $15.00 - $20.00 CUC from the airport from Havana to the Center of Havana.
- How I pay the reservation ? Whom I must pay ? I need to pay before to go ?
- You should must pay directly to the house owner when you come to the house and confirm the conditions of the house reserved. The owner of the house is compromised with you with the days that you pay and no for more days.
You don't need to pay anticipally.
- I can't find answer to my doubt ?
- Please, Contact Us and write us your questions. Shure, we will contact you before 12 hours.
- How I can contact with TRAVELCUBASITE.COM ?
- How return to General Menu of
- In all the page of this Web Site, You have the possibility of return to Web Site General Menu, clicking on the iconwhen is clicking.
- Cómo llegar Directamente al Tema o Servicio Deseado sin transitar ? Uso del Mapa del Sitio
- Ud. puede hacer uso del Mapa del Sitio (que aparece con el Boton SITIO en el Menú superior de cada página (Encabezamiento) o en el extremo inferiior de estas (Pie de Página) ) para acceder directamente al lugar deseado. Por ejemplo, de esta forma Ud podria directamente ver las Casas en el Reparto MIramar o ver los Lugares en la Provincia Santi Spiriitus. También con la opción Buscador por palabras o por Directorios que se comenta mas adelante Ud. podrá acceder a las páginas donde aparece la Palabra o Categoría de Sitio buscada. Conocer del Buscador de Palabras o Directorio
- Cuáles son las Mejoras de la nueva Versión de TravelChileSite ?
- La Nueva Versión de TravelChileSite es una Versión en ASP con el Uso de Bases de Datos que le brindan una mayor potencialidad y flexibilidad en las Búsquedas, las cuales permiten ordenar según el criterio seleccionado por el Usuario. Los correos que se le envian a los usuarios ya no dependen de Formularios, sino que son enviados por medio de un servidor de correo sin necesitar de una cuenta del usuario y se muestra una copia del contenido enviado. Esta Nueva Versión aparece con Nuevas Ofertas
- Cuáles son las Nuevas Ofertas de la nueva Versión de TravelChileSite ?
- Entre las Nuevas Ofertas que aparecen, tenemos :
- El Buscador de Palabras y de Sitios - LlerySOFT Directorio
- Las Permutas, Compras y Ventas de Casas
- El Buscador de Música
- La Compra o Descarga de Discos cubanos
- La Compra de INFOCUBA por INTERNET
- Qué le permite El Buscador de Palabras y de Sitios - LlerySOFT Directorio.
- Con esta Opción, que se accede a ella por el Borde inferior de la Página (Pie de Página), Ud. podrá ver la Páginas donde aparece la palabra buscada (que se entrega en la parte superior donde dice A Buscar y se da Clic en Buscar) o las Páginas donde aparece el Tema (Categoria) que Ud. seleccione moviendo el cursor con el ratón hasta ubicarlo sobre la Categoría que desee buscar, la cual se pondra en rojo y Ud deberá dar Clic Izquierdo para que se ejecute la Búsqueda. Una vez realizada la Búsqueda, Ud. deberá (con el ratón) mover el cursor, posicionándolo sobre la dirección donde se encuentra el Sitio seleccionado, el cual cambiará a color rojo, y entonces Ud. podra dar Click izquierdo para entrar al mismo. Ver Llery SOFT Directorio
- Las Permutas, Ventas y Compras de Casas en Cuba
- La Palabra Permuta corresponde a la posibilidad de cambiar una(s) casa(s) por otra(s), ya que en Cuba no estaba permitida la compra-venta de casas, y esta era la opción que tenían. Esta Opción aparece dentro del Menú de Ofertas y la misma aparece subdividida en Ampliarse, Reducirse, Similar, Interprovincial, 1x2, 2x1 y otras. A partir de Diciembre del 2011, que se ha autorizado por el gobierno Comprar o Vender Casas, se incorporaron estas nuevas opciones. En el Sitio podrá Buscar o Insertar una Permutas, Compras o Ventas. En la Búsqueda o Inserción Ud. podrá seleccionar lo que necesita. Junto con los datos de la casa, se dá la posibilidad de incluir las fotos de la misma. Ver el Menú de Permutas, Compras o Ventas de Casas en Cuba
- El Buscador de Música
- El acceso a esta opción aparece en la Pagina Principal y en el Mapa del Sitio dentro de las Facilidades. Esta opción le permite seleccionar lo que desea oir y ver, seleccionando el Intérprete y Tiipo de Música deseado y ordenarlo, si lo desea, por Tipo de Música, cancion, País, Interprete y Nombre del Disco. La Base de Datos cuenta con canciones, Videos Musicales, Infantiles y Cuentos de Humoristas cubanos. Ver el Buscador de Música
- Compra o Descarga de Discos Cubanos
- El acceso a esta opción sólo aparece en la Pagina Principal y en el Mapa del Sitio dentro de las Facilidades. Esta opción le permite seleccionar EL o LOS DISCOS que desea oir del Tipo de Música e Intérprete (cubano) seleccionado. La Base de Datos cuenta con aproximadamente 200 Discos cubanos de todos los tiempos, permite seleccionar los discos deseados para ser comprados. Para el uso de esta Opción Ud. deberá estar Registrado o Asociado. Ver Compra y Descarga de Discos Cubanos
- Esta opción puede ser solicitada dentro de las Ofertas de la Página Principal y dentro de las Ofertas del Mapa del Sitio. Ud. podrá seleccionar la configuración (Mínima, Básica, Completa o Superior) que desea comprar, y/o los Complementos deseados y realizará la reserva del mismo. Pasará a pagarla por Transferencia Bancaria o por INTERNET con Paypal y una vez realizado el pago, recibirá un Correo con el Código de Descarga para que pueda recibir este Software Vía INTERNET. Ud. podrá obtener las Versiones actualizadas (que se realizará semestralmente) por la mitad de Precio Básico. Para el uso de esta Opción Ud. deberá estar Registrado o Asociado. Ud. también podrá adquirir directamente este Soft en nuestros establecimientos. Ver Compra de INFOCUBA por INTERNET