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Playa is a very important touristy Municipality. It contains a big quantity of residences, embassies, enterprises, Círculos Sociales (leisure centres with beaches for cuban people), hotels in use or in construction, shoping centers, etc. The 5th Avenue is the most important street, other important streets are : 7th, 19th, 31st and 41st avenues, and 30th, 42nd, 44th, 60th, 70th and 84th streets.

In this area we can find a lot of private houses for rent (Casas particulares).

The neighborhoods (repartos) located in Playa municipality are :

Miramar, Kohly, Almendares, Ampliación de Almendares, La Sierra, Buenavista, La Ceiba, Rpto. Náutico, Flores, Siboney, Atabey, Cubanacan, Jaimanitas y Santa Fé.

Detailed explanation is possible to see inside when you click on each neighborhood.

See Municipalities Map of Havana City See Municipalities Map of Havana City

See the Map with the most important neigborhoods of Playa Municipality See the Map with the most important neigborhoods of Playa Municipality



"Music House" (Casa de la Musica) in Playa

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"Cabaret Tropicana"

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"Dos Gardenias" Touristy Complex

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"Marina Hemingway"

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What you do not have to miss...in Havana City !

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