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It´s not a touristy municipality, and is so far from the city center. It is surrounded by La Lisa, Marianao and Arroyo Naranjo municipalities. The most important avenue in this municipality is Avenue Independencia, known as Avenue Rancho Boyeros. In Boyeros municipality we can find some educational centers as : The University City "José Antonio Echevarria" (CUJAE) for technical subjects, there students become engineers of all the specialities and architects; the Tecnological institutes : "José Martí" of constructions, "Eduardo García Delgado" of electronics, "Julio A. Mella" of Norms and Metrology, and others; the Vocational School "Vladimir Ilich Lenin" nowadays high school.

Terminal No. 3 del Aeropuerto Internacional "José Martí". Dar Clic para ver DetallesIn this municipality we can find the International Airport (Aeropuerto Internacional)"José Martí", , with 3 terminals : The Terminal 1 for national trips; the Terminal 2 mainly for travel from or to United States; and the Terminal 3 the International Terminal.

In the recreative places we can find

Other Photos of National ZooThe National Zoo (Zoologico Nacional) , where some animals are not in jails and you can see its from a transport; and Animals and Agricultural Fair (Feria Agropecuaria) of Boyeros where annually are expositions of cattle, porcine, bovine, and rodeo.




See Municipalities Map of Havana City See Municipalities Map of Havana City

See part of Municipalities Arroyo Naranjo and Boyeros Map See part of Municipalities Arroyo Naranjo and Boyeros Map


What you do not have to miss...in Havana City !

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