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Category: Turismo : Agencia de Viajes & Casa Renta & Hotel

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CUBA TOUR   Evaluate this site special
 Hits: 46460

CubaTour Offerings : Havana City (Ciudad Habana), Pinar del Rio, Soroa, Viñales, Matanzas, Varadero, Guama, Bacunayagua, Villa Clara, Santa Clara, Cienfuegos, Rancho Luna, Punta Gorda, Sancti Spiritus, Trinidad, Ancon, Ciego de Avila, Camaguey, Holguin, Granma, Bayamo, Las Tunas, Santiago de Cuba, Guantanamo, Baracoa
Museums, cities, travel, excursions, Informations, vacations, places, beaches
Submit Date:
12/17/2009 8:32:28 AM

Update Date:
12/28/2010 8:29:19 AM 
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Rent Houses   Evaluate this site special
 Hits: 40283

We offer the widest selection of Private Houses, rooms and apartments for rent in Cuba: More than 110 Private houses at Havana City (Ciudad Habana) and 160 all around the country.
Submit Date:
12/19/2009 9:21:04 PM

Update Date:
2/6/2010 9:42:59 AM 
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EXCURSION (City Tour) IN Santiago de Chile&Neighborhoods - Offerings   Evaluate this site special
 Hits: 42310

Excursion (City Tour) in Santiago de Chile & Neighborhoods (Economical Prices): Visiting Santiago de Chile, the Historic part, the Palast of Goverment "La Moneda", Providencia and Las Condes neighborhoods, and the Sky Center Portillo or Valle Nevado, Valparaiso or Viña del Mar
Submit Date:
6/18/2011 10:20:42 AM

Update Date:
6/18/2011 10:20:42 AM 
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HOTEL OFFERING - CHILE   Evaluate this site special
 Hits: 39641

We offer an big variety of HOTEL for rent in all the cities of CHILE: More then 100 Hotel in Santiago de Chile and 150 il all the country. Showing Photos, Principal characteristics and Prices
Submit Date:
6/18/2011 10:30:52 AM

Update Date:
6/18/2011 10:30:52 AM 
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City Tour in Havana (La Habana)   Evaluate this site special
 Hits: 41668

City Tour in Havana (Economical prices): Visit Old Havana (Habana Vieja), Historic Area, Modern Habana, Western Beaches, Museums, square La Catedral, El Floridita, La Bodeguita del Medio, El Capitolio, El Morro, La 5ta. Avenida (5th. Avenue), Miramar, Vedado, Centro Habana, Cabaret Tropicana, La Catedral, castle Morro, Colon cemetery, Marina Hemingway and others
Submit Date:
12/16/2009 8:31:16 PM

Update Date:
2/6/2010 10:06:14 AM 
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Packages to Cuba   Evaluate this site special
 Hits: 42569

Economical prices of Packages for Havana visit : Old Havana (Habana Vieja), Historic Area, Modern Habana, Western Beaches, Snorkeling and SCuba Diving, Museums, square La Catedral, Playas del Este beaches, Restaurant El Floridita, La Bodeguita del Medio, El Capitolio, El Morro, La 5ta. Avenida, Miramar, Vedado, Centro Habana, Tropicana, Morro and Cabaña castles, Colon cemetery, Marina Hemingway and others
Submit Date:
12/17/2009 8:43:09 AM

Update Date:
2/6/2010 9:46:22 AM 
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Travel Cuba Site   Evaluate this site special
 Hits: 43066

Travel Cuba Site-INFORMATION General, Tourísty and Historic of Cuba. PLACES of Cuba (Photos and Information. More than 800). MAPS of Provinces, of the more important Cities, Municipalities and Neighborhoods. SPECIALITY SEARCHES. OFFERINGS (Package, City Tour, CUBA Tour, Private Houses and appartments in all the provinces of Cuba), SCuba Diving and Snorkeling, Spanish and Computer Courses, Dancing Classes, Software confection, Publicity,Selling CD of INFOCUBA and others
Submit Date:
12/16/2009 6:52:37 PM

Update Date:
7/5/2010 3:55:26 PM 
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PACKAGE TOURISTICAL to Chile Offerings   Evaluate this site special
 Hits: 42996

TOURISTIC PACKAGE with economical prices, for visit : Santiago de Chile and neighborhoods, Viña del Mar, Valparaiso, Atacama, Eastern Island (Isla de Pascua), Lake District (Región de los Lagos) and Patagonia and other interesting places. Lodging & Transfer
Submit Date:
6/18/2011 10:47:42 AM

Update Date:
6/18/2011 10:47:42 AM 
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Travel Chile Site - ALL ABOUT CHILE   Evaluate this site special
 Hits: 44034

Travel Chile Site-General, Touristical and Historical INFORMATION of Chile. Important PLACES of Chile (Photos and Information). MAPS of the most important Cities and Zona. SPECIAL SEARCHING of Places. OFFERINGS (Touristical Packages, Excursion and Tour, Hotel and Houses for Rent), Skying in Chile, Language and Software Classes, Cuba Dancing Clasess, Software Confection, Publicity, Selling CD of INFOCUBA, and others
Submit Date:
6/18/2011 11:01:58 AM

Update Date:
6/18/2011 11:01:58 AM 
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More Information about Cuba :
[Cuba Guide], [Cuba Travel Guide], [Cuba Specialty Guide], [Cuba Turistic and Historic]
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