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Categoría: Construcción

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Confection of 2D & 3D Models   Evaluar este Sitio  Especial
 Entradas: 44141

For Define Conceptual Ideas, we offer for You :
Confection Models 2D
Confection Models 3D (3DStudio Max Version 2008 soported by Render Motor VRAY) (Without animation and with Animation)
Fecha Inscripción:
12/19/2009 7:39:07 PM

Fecha Actualización:
12/19/2009 8:57:55 PM 
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Budget and Projects   Evaluar este Sitio  Especial
 Entradas: 9

We offer the confection of :
- Budget
- Projects (Architecture and all Engeniering Specialty)
Fecha Inscripción:
12/19/2009 7:40:33 PM

Fecha Actualización:
12/19/2009 8:31:53 PM 
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Decorations   Evaluar este Sitio  Especial
 Entradas: 43586

DECORATION for your House, Office, Enterprise, Hotel and others, composed by :
DECORATION WALLS : With ceramic, With sintetic Material, With stones, Conventional, Painting, Paint
FURNITURE :For HOUSES (for ROOM, Beds or Sofabed, Escaparates, Gaveteros, Coquetas, for DINNING ROOM, Tables for eating, Chairs, For LIVING ROOM, Multimuebles, Sofas, Butacas, Seats, Decoration tables, For TERRACE), For OFFICES (Archive, Desk, Book Seller, Credensa, Satelite, Office seats)
PLANTS ( For Exterior, For Interior, Both, Artificial)
FLOWERS : Artificial, Natural
SCULTURE : For Exterior, For Interior, or Both
PAINTING : Abstract, Erotic, Landscape, From Persons, Others
MURAL PAINTING : Painting, Mural
ARCHO : Concrete, Metalics
STOVE: Artificial, Really ORNAMENT
Fecha Inscripción:
12/19/2009 7:43:12 PM

Fecha Actualización:
12/19/2009 8:02:07 PM 
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Real House Models in Cuba   Evaluar este Sitio  Especial
 Entradas: 46600

For define Conceptual Ideas, we show You :
- Different Type of Houses : Divided in 1 or 2 floor or both
Fecha Inscripción:
12/19/2009 9:03:52 PM

Fecha Actualización:
2/5/2010 4:22:52 PM 
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Typical Models 2D in Cuba   Evaluar este Sitio  Especial
 Entradas: 5

For Define Conceptual Ideas, we offer for You :
Confection Models 2D
Confection Models 3D (3DStudio Max Version 2008 soported by Render Motor VRAY) (Without animation and with Animation)
Fecha Inscripción:
6/18/2011 6:18:32 PM

Fecha Actualización:
6/18/2011 6:18:32 PM 
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Real State - CUBA - LlerySOFT   Evaluar este Sitio  Especial
 Entradas: 46387

Information an Asesory for Sale, Buy and Swap Houses or appartaments, fields and roof in Cuba, Rent Houses, New Buildings : Show Models of really houses, Creation of Models in 2D and 3D (with or without animation) (of Houses, Buildings, Hotels, Inmobiliarias u otras), Projects of Engineer and Architecture, Budget, Decoration and Fornitures
Fecha Inscripción:
1/21/2012 6:48:21 PM

Fecha Actualización:
1/21/2012 6:53:32 PM 
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Más Información sobre Cuba :
[Guía de Cuba], [Guía del Viajero a Cuba], [Guía por Especialidades], [Cuba Turística e Histórica-Informaciones]
· Copyright © · Todos los derechos reservados · 2006 - 2023 ·
Autor : Ing. Jorge Llerena Rodríguez. LlerySoft
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