LlerySOFT CUBA-CHILE-INFORMATION General, Tourísty and Historic and PLACES of Cuba-Chile, MAPS of Provinces, of the more important Cities, Municipalities and Neighborhoods.- LODGINGS (Private Houses, appartments and Hotels) - INMOBILIARIA (Permutas, Compras y Ventas de Casas, Proyectos, Amueblamiento y Asesoria) - MUSIC and VIDEOS - OFFERINGS (Package, Excursions, Tours, Sky, SCuba Diving and Snorkeling, Language Curse, Dancing Classes) - PUBLICITY (in INTERNET, in INFOCUBA) - ORGANIZATION OF ACTIVITIES IN CUBA (Wedding,15tn Years, Birthdays,..) - COMPUTER (Programs and Systems confection, Sites and Web Pages confection, Reparation and Upgrade of Computers, Soft Instalation and Antivirus, Curses) - SELLING ( INFOCUBA CD, INFOCHILE and LleryINFO, Painting and Artesanías, Clothes) SPECIALITY SEARCHES |