Travel CHILE Site. Package, Excursions, Tour and Informations of Chile
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Hotel : NERUDA
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The Reservation Service is FREE. Before 12 hours you will receive by Email the confirmation of the selected Hotel and all necessary data necesary to locate it in Chile.

** - Required
Name  ** Surname **
E-Mail **
City ** Country **
Telephon Number Handy
From (dd-mm-yy)-
To (dd-mm-yy)
Number of persons **
Number of Rooms ** Wait in the airport?
Airport ** Number of Flight **
Arrival Day ** Arrival Time : **

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Your personal data will only be used for the purpose of this reservation. If you want to cancel or modify this reservation you should send us an Email.

It's possible to pay directly to the house owner althought we recomend you to send us the money of three first days, to garantee your reservation.

If you have any question, please Contact Us

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Author : Ing. Jorge Llerena Rodríguez. LlerySoft
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